ringmaster for the
Eastern Classic Arabian Horseshow June 11-13 (Batavia, NY) I
had the pleasure of meeting the
Show Steward Beverly Bedard.
Mrs. Bedard was so interesting to speak to about what her position
is at a show. I know as a rider and now ringmaster, there are
questions we all have on what a Show Steward actually does and you
will have that opportunity to ask her as she will be taking your
questions. She has been kind enough to do this for you – put your
thinking caps on. These opportunities don’t happen often so don’t
sit back and not ask her that question you always wanted to know.
As a young person, Beverly showed in Hunters and Hunter Seat
Equitation, having qualified for the AHSA Hunter Seat Finals in
Madison Square Garden in 1960. She continued to show hunters
until her son was born in 1972, then she decided to concentrate on
her judging and stewarding career.
Beverly has been licensed as a recognized steward since 1967 and
received her promotion in 1973. Since then, she has worked at
30 - 35 shows each year for the past 15 years, most of which are
multiple day competitions. Though she has had her large R for
judging Hunters, Hunter Seat Equitation and Jumpers since the early
70s, most of her time is spent as a steward, which she loves doing.
She has stewarded many different competitions - including the
National Horse Show in New York City, Pennsylvania National Horse
Show in Harrisburg, Capital Challenge in Maryland, The New York
State Fair, the Vermont Summer Festival, The Merrill Lynch PHA Horse
Show in Cleveland, Monmouth County Horse Show in New Jersey, the
Classic Company Horse Shows in GA and MS, and The U.S. Arabian
Nationals. Being a combined category Steward, she stewards 5
or 6 Arabian and Breed shows each year, also.
During the last 20 years, Beverly has served as a panelist for the
USEF Stewards' Clinics about 9 times, the most recent being in May
of 2004. Currently, she serves on the US Equestrian Federation
Continuing Education Committee. Beverly is a college graduate and
she and her husband John enjoy dogs, horses, and soccer.
Here is your chance – send an email to
I will send to Beverly and your question/answer will appear in the
next month – watch the website for updates.
Read Questions &
Answers to Beverly Bedard